The Lotus Children’s Centre is an official Mongolian non-governmental organisation (NGO) that currently acts as a home for around 75 vulnerable and abused Mongolian children and also takes part in community out-reach projects. The Lotus Children’s Centre, located in Gachuurt in the suburbs of Ulaanbaatar, is not only a home but also a centre for development for abandoned and vulnerable children.
Whilst Lotus is not a religious organisation, many of the beliefs of the founder, Didi Ananda Kalika, help the children to overcome their backgrounds. Didi has helped the children to move onto self-confidence through loving care, a healthier lifestyle and helping them to believe that anything is possible if they want it enough.
The main aims of Lotus are:
Provide primary care to all of the children at the Centre, including food, healthcare, clothing and suitable accommodation
Provide development care so the children can break free of the poverty cycle. As such, we aim to give each child a quality education, counselling, tools for building self-esteem and the opportunity to improve life skills
Give every child love and attention, and the support of a family group
Children are not forgotten after they leave Lotus and support is provided for the children’s ‘post-Lotus’ lives so that they have a safety net, and are able to find employment, and tertiary education placements. Once you join the Lotus family, help is always there.