There are various ways to send us a financial donation, either regular or one-off, depending on where you are sending money from and in what currency.
It is also possible to make a bank transfer directly to our bank account in Mongolia. We currently have individual bank accounts to receive Mongolian Tugrug, US Dollars, British Pounds and Euros. Please contact us if you would like to make a financial donation by bank transfer so we can give you the necessary bank details.
If you would like to donate from overseas, you can use our Virgin Money Giving page. Donations made here go to our UK-based Trust fund (The Lotus Children’s Centre Charitable Trust), with every penny received being forwarded to us here in Mongolia. The website does however take a small fee and therefore if you wish to receive the bank details to transfer your donation directly to the Trust then please contact us.
If you would like to donate from Australia, in AUD, you can use the Children’s Health and Education Fund. They collect donations on our behalf in Australia and send the balance to us three times a year. This saves on transfer fees, and also means your donation is tax deductible. Follow the instructions on their website here.